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tentative method中文是什么意思

用"tentative method"造句"tentative method"怎么读"tentative method" in a sentence


  • 暂行办法
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  • 暂行方法


  • Tentative method for quantitative analysis by immunoturbidimetry of human serum albumin
  • In recent years , incentive system to enterprise operators also becomes the focus of management research . and the tentative methods such as annual salary system , stock equity incentive system and stock options incentive system emerge in endlessly in chinese enterprises
  • " army career change cadre places tentative method " implements in the recent five years , army career change cadre in it facing choice again employment opportunity time has made the different choice , some choice country plan assignments way employment , some choice independent choosing professions way placements
  • In september 2000 , the national economic and trade committee ’ s issued " the state - owned large and middle scale enterprises to establish the modern enterprise system and to strengthen the management the basic standard ( implementation ) " explicitly proposed the enterprise should establish the comprehensive budget management system ; in april 2001 , ministry of finance ’ s issued " enterprise state - owned capital and financial control tentative method " requested the enterprise to carry out the financial budget management system ; in april 2002 , ministry of finance ’ s issued " about enterprise implementing financial budget management ’ s instruction opinion " further proposed the enterprise should implement comprehensive budget management inclusive of the financial budget
    要真正解决问题,必须围绕“预算起点、组织体系、流程体系、信息体系”进行优化,具体的优化策略是“确立科学切实的预算起点、构建高效运转的预算责任体系、实施遵循pdca循环的预算流程体系、构建基于erp的预算信息支撑体系” 。预算目标起点解决的是做什么的问题,预算责任体系解决的是谁来做的问题,预算流程体系解决的是怎么做的问题、预算信息体系解决的是怎么做更有效的问题。
用"tentative method"造句  


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